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Author Archives: kim

Canada Fishing Dates

Have you booked your Canada Fishing date yet?  Its a great time to book as the US dollar is very strong so buying in Canada is worth it.  We do have some great dates still available with some slots left in June and July.  Call soon as they won’t last Continue Reading

Ontario Walleye Fishing in August 2014

Most of the lakes have had great fishing throughout August.  Walleyes have started to move out deeper and were up close to the weeds in about 5 to 12 feet of water.  They’ve since moved out deeper and now seem to appear to be off the rock points or anywhere the current is moving. Continue Reading

Unexpected Lake Fishing-June 2014

Guests just came out of Unexpected lake and had a blast.  The walleyes were really biting using jigs and minnows. I think its a bit too cold for leeches but soon they’ll outperform the minnows. They caught some pretty impressive northerns on light line which is always fun!  Hope to have pictures soon. Continue Reading